Sofienberggt 19, 0558 Oslo
Pb. 4644 Sofienberg, 0506 Oslo
22 80 86 00
Mills Customer Service
Please contact us via telephone or e-mail if you have any questions, inquiries or feedback about our products.
Tel: +47 800 35 036 (free of charge)
E-mail: forbrukerservice@mills.no
Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Press Inquiries:
Please contact Head of Information, Kjersti Johannessen, for press inquiries.
Tel: +47 905 57 855
E-mail: kjersti.johannessen@mills.no
Product complaints:
If you have purchased a product with quality defects we greatly appreciate hearing from you. Click here to access the complaint form.
Contact us
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