Health and nutrition
As a community-minded and large food producer, Mills has always worked for better public health. We have done this through the development of healthier products, in line with the dietary guidelines of the Norwegian Directorate of Health and through systematic reviews of research.
We work with others in the industry, research communities, interest organisations and health authorities to contribute to better public health. At Mills, we also have our own health and nutrition team, with comprehensive professional knowledge from the field.
Mills’ products are a staple in many Norwegian refrigerators. It is therefore important for us to help ensure that the food consumers eat is both tasty and has a positive impact on their health. We offer consumers everyday products where the common denominator is that they are made from healthy plant-based oils. This is particularly true for our margarines, mayonnaise and our mayonnaise-based salads. As a supplier of these products, we have gained great amounts of valuable food expertise, and we are constantly working to keep up to date with the documentation and research available in this area. We then use this knowledge in the development of new product innovations.

The dietary guidelines from the health authorities provide us with large amounts of useful knowledge that we can utilise in product development and in our communication with the public. We want to provide healthy food to consumers, but we also wish to contribute by conveying information and knowledge. For instance, when it comes to fats, research shows that it is beneficial to replace foods high in saturated fats with unsaturated fats.